How old is Michael Benz? When is Michael Benz's birthday? Where is Michael Benz born? Where did Michael Benz grow up from? What's Michael Benz's age?
Michael Benz Born: England, United Kingdom
Michael Benz Nationality: American, British
What Is Michael Benz's Job? He is a DJ and fashion designer. According to his Instagram bio, he describes himself as an artist.
Darcey & Stacey stars Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva showed off their glowing faces in a new filter-free photo with their blue-haired friend Michael Benz on Instagram.
Benz was a guest player in the season four Christmas Special of Downton Abbey that was broadcast on 25 December 2013 in the UK (season 4, episode 9 in the US). Benz played Ethan, the American valet to guest star Paul Giamatti's character Harold Levinson.