Fame | Michael Benz net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Michael Benz? When is Michael Benz's birthday? Where is Michael Benz born? Where did Michael Benz grow up from? What's Michael Benz's age?

Michael Benz Born: England, United Kingdom

Michael Benz Nationality: American, British

What Is Michael Benz's Job? He is a DJ and fashion designer. According to his Instagram bio, he describes himself as an artist.

Darcey & Stacey stars Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva showed off their glowing faces in a new filter-free photo with their blue-haired friend Michael Benz on Instagram.

Benz was a guest player in the season four Christmas Special of Downton Abbey that was broadcast on 25 December 2013 in the UK (season 4, episode 9 in the US). Benz played Ethan, the American valet to guest star Paul Giamatti's character Harold Levinson.
